Chaos And Complex Systems Research Laboratory
Contact Me
Prof. Tanmoy Banerjee Department of Physics University of Burdwan Burdwan 713104, West Bengal India Room No: 204 (first floor); 210 (laboratory) Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel (O):0342-2657800, 0342-2656374 Fax:+091-342-2530452 URL: NEWS!!
01.10.21: Published the Indian adaptation of the seminal book by Kerson Huang "Statistical Mechanics, 2ed" 2021 by Wiley 23.09.20: Prof. T. Banerjee has been awarded IOP trusted reviewer status. 7.1.18: Published: A new book "Time-Delayed Chaotic Dynamical Systems" by Biswas and Banerjee, Publisher: Springer-Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-70993-2 [LINK] |
I am professor of physics in the Department of Physics, University of Burdwan. My principal research interests are Nonlinear dynamics, Chaos and Complex systems, Symmetry breaking and Chimera states, Nonlinear time-delayed systems and Mathematical biology. In our laboratory we give equal emphasis on the theoretical studies, computational characterizations and experimental verification.
The main objective of our research laboratory is to explore the collective dynamical behavior of physical and biological oscillators. We are inspired by the fact that in nature, oscillators are everywhere: We have a hundred billion neuronal oscillators in our brain that organize our cognitive system. In physics, Josephson junction and lasers are oscillators that are of quantum mechanical origin. Electronic communication systems make use of electronic oscillators. In ecology, the population of species oscillates. All these oscillators have different time scales ranging from nanosecond to a few years. Although, the manifestation of oscillations are different in different fields, they all are governed by a common dynamical rule. Interestingly, a bunch of coupled oscillators behave differently from their constituent elements. This is called emergent behavior. Synchronization, quenching of oscillation, phase-locking or entrainment, chimera states are a few examples of emergent phenomena. These have been the topic of extensive research in diverse fields such as physics, biology, and engineering. In our research laboratory we focus on the understanding of several emergent behaviors shown by coupled natural oscillators and based upon the insight gained we try to understand diverse phenomena occur in the field of physics and biology. |